October 17, 2007

Interview Experience

After participating in the mock interview for English 304, I have discovered some of my strengths and weaknesses during the interview process.

I excel in interviews due to my personable nature, so my strengths are thinking on my feet and spinning questions to my advantage in order to provide the interviewer with information that I feel is important. I embellish on simple questions to set myself apart from other interviewers. I am looking into HR positions which is an advantage because I have a clear goal and I can ask questions of the interviewer easily, since they are likely in the HR department.

Some of my weaknesses for this particular interview included the fact that I did not know as much about the company as I would have liked. I also had not gone over routine questions and prepared answers. Before interviews, it seems to be a good idea to look over the commonly asked questions so that you have answers in mind. Also, it is good to plan what you would like the interviewer to know about yourself. I believe that if I had put a bit more time into my preparation, the interview would have been excellent.

This being my first mock interview, I was relaxed and confident. I believe that those two factors are key. I also try to represent myself honestly when interviewing. I want to be the best fit for a job without having to play up certain aspects of my personality that I believe the company would find desirable.

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